Unleash your brilliance… Reiki, Coaching and The Equine Experience

Half-Heartedness Is So Vanilla

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Do you want to be taken seriously and have people listen to your words and believe them?

I think we all do but the main question is do you deserve to be taken seriously?

It has become the norm for people to say things that they don’t mean.

How many times have you been the giver or receiver of lip service?

You tell people what they want to hear yet it is never your intention to follow through.

Maybe you have invited someone over to your dinner party and they say they are planning to attend because they don’t want to hurt your feelings, however they truly have no desire or intention of ever doing so.

Have you encountered people who always threaten to do something but they never ever follow through?  Their words and their actions never match.  After a while you disregard everything that they say because you know that they completely lack integrity.

Is kind honesty such a bad thing?

As I get older I find that I have no patience whatsoever for crap and have little desire to be around people who dish it out.

It may sound harsh but honestly, say what you mean.  Do things like you mean them.  Live life like you mean it.

Half-heartedness is so vanilla.

I personally find honesty refreshing even if it isn’t something that I really wanted to hear.

In being honest with others you may lose a few friends but they probably didn’t serve your highest good anyhow.

When you mean everything that you say, people will pay attention.

Until next time…

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